Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Saturday Night Premiere Exhibit - A Success!

Carey Hildebrand's first Exhibit at Posers Gallery was a success! So many supporters came out from Winnipeg to show their appreciation for Carey's Laser Lit Photography and Fractal Art on Canvas. Here are some of the photos to show you this past Saturday's event!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Carey Hildebrand Premiere Private Exhibit - Nov. 6th, 2010

My brother, Carey Hildebrand, will be premiering his first complete exhibit of photography, fractal art and laser-lit art. Come by starting Nov. 9th to 30th to experience his world through the camera lens!

Other Dark Artists Featured!

Sarienne Friesen
My daughter has shown some of her work at Posers Dark Art Exhibit as well.


October 26th to November 5th

Posers is trying something different for the season - Posers Dark Art Exhibit! We are featuring Ruination Artist, Decay Artist, Zombie Artist - Byron Rempel. He can turn your image into a zombie portrait. Look at me (before and after) - yeah, right, which is which - just look at his work!